January 20, 2017.
For some this date means nothing.
For others, it is the start of one of their worst nightmares. It was the day Donald Trump was sworn in as president.
During Trump's time as president, one of the topics he has spoken the most about is immigration. As time has passed it has been evident that his respect towards immigrants is non-existent. He has made comments that show his racism towards minorities, especially to the ones who come from the southern border. In the article “Trump’s full list of ‘racist’ comments about immigrants, muslims, and others”, Christianna Silva shows us many of the hateful comments he has made towards lots of minorities. Silva cites a comment President Trump made about Mexican immigrants, “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people” (Silva).
Trump's major campaign promise was to build a wall on the border of Mexico and the U.S. In Trump's presidential announcement speech, he stated, "I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall." Which is why on April 5, 2019, Donald Trump visited the border town of Calexico, California. The article “Trump visits border in Calexico, says San Diego is ‘begging’ for wall” by Fox 5 Digital Team and Jason Sloss talks about the comments and ideas Trump mentioned in his visit.
One of his comments dealt with a border shutdown “During the tour with Customs and Border Protection and other law enforcement officials, Trump said of the border: "We're going to shut it down if we have to" (Sloss). This is something he had mentioned on his Twitter account before “We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with.”
A border shutdown. Trump had said this phrase many times without no hesitation. To him, it means nothing because he does not realize the destruction it can cause. Hundreds of people cross the border every single morning before sunrise. Why? To work a job that no one in this country wants to do, agriculture.
If Trump closes the border not only will it be huge harm for the hundreds of immigrants crossing every day but a great collapse to the U.S agriculture business as well. By wanting to shut down the border it is unmistakable that Trump does not realize how beneficial immigrants are to the country and the citizens living in it. According to Sloss during his visit, Trump also mentioned San Diego. “The president also made direct mention of San Diego. "They're begging me for a wall in San Diego ... because the people are pouring through in San Diego, going over the front lawns, going into people's houses”(Sloss).
As mentioned before Trump’s most desired promise is to build the wall. It is so desired to the point where he has to exaggerate and even lie. Growing up in a border town and two hours away from San Diego I know this is not true. Not once have I heard in the news or even seen with my own eyes, people “pouring” into the U.S invading someone's house.
Trump wants to make every immigrant seem dangerous even if their intention to come into the U.S is an innocent one. His misleading comments are making people who are not from border towns believe things that are most certainly not true about immigrants searching for the American Dream.
Articles: https://fox5sandiego.com/2019/04/05/president-trump-poised-to-visit-us-mexico-border-in-calexico/