In the article, "Trump renews threat to close Mexican Border, send more troops" written by Makini Brice, Trump threatens to close the southern border and send in more military personnel to secure the border against the new caravan of migrants arriving at the southern border. Trump states that " A very big Caravan of over 20,000 people started up through Mexico" (Brice). This is just another excuse for the president to shut the border. Even though President Trump sends in the military to the southern border, by law the military are not allowed to enforce immigration laws under the Posse Comitatus Act. Brice also gives information that a U.S Soldier had a gun confiscated by Mexican military personnel. This also causes concern for all Americans since this is causing a larger conflict with Mexico. Tensions between the U.S and Mexico could cause trade also to seize because Mexico is one of our largest trading partners.
Trump has sought to create the border wall in order to stop illegal immigration and crime. Since Trump came to visit Calexico to inspect the border wall saying it was coming out great now comes to show that we need the U.S military to support the border basically saying that the Wall is ineffective. This is why we have U.S Customs and Border Protection to secure our border. USBP are dedicated in the area of immigrations and have the most knowledge in order to secure it plus USBP is not a military branch. Talking about the military it comes to show that just having a military presence at the southern border is causing tensions with Mexico. Even having 5000 troops deployed at the southern border just feels like the other country is preparing to be invaded. The president of Mexico states in the incident, “But we’re not going to fight with the U.S. government, We are not going to allow ourselves to fall into any provocations.” (Brice) Mexico is trying to avoid any altercation in the United States. Mexico is not the problem when it comes to illegal immigration.
President Trump has always been going with or against Mexico saying that they are doing a good job or that they are the problem that they have the caravan at the southern border. If the president really wants to secure the border he should increase the funding in USBP in order to stop illegal immigration instead of calling a national emergency because there is really no risk of being invaded. The U.S Military is not needed on the southern border and has no right to be enforcing immigration laws. Any one trying to immigrate in the United States should have the right to do so. The U.S is the land of opportunities. If the United States wants to stop illegal immigration and crime, invest in better technology and training to Customs and Border Protection instead of building a new wall that may prove ineffective.
References: Trump renews threat to close Mexican border, send more troops