In the article “Guarding the Southern Border Has Become an Exercise in Cruelty” by William deBuys, deBuys argues his opinion that the border - at this point - is just shown to be cruel in every aspect possible. DeBuys states that border wall has become something that “gives some people what they want and denies the needs of almost everybody else.” This is a good summation of what the border wall has generally become to most people. An idea from the president that instead has become weaponized to hush opposing opinions.
The idea of a border wall was once supported for the sake of protection from illegal immigration, but has now become a statement for ignorance. People who live far from the border have generally want to have a border built, due to their lack of understanding of what it means to live in the situation that they're so obsessed with. Meanwhile the people who live in these border towns have their opinions ignored, since they're hardly recognized.
Furthermore, deBuys quotes that people living near the border have an “opinion that runs 90–10 percent against Trump’s border wall. All nine congresspersons representing districts along the border similarly oppose the wall.” This can represent the idea that there's a lack of perspective when it comes to the general consensus about the border wall. Whatever happened to getting equal representation in this country? Many people that live near the border don’t want the wall built because it won’t deter anyone trying to live a better life nor will it endanger the current people living there. So the question is - why spend money on something that won’t really have an impact on immigration? Is the border wall becoming a statement to silence opinions? Or are people just generally uninformed when it comes to the border wall? After all, the media is all monkey see monkey do; we only know what the media shows us unless we research ourselves - and no one really wants to do extra research.
DeBuys argues that the border wall rhetoric is mostly used now as gratification for Trump instead of immigration and if you take a moment to think about it, there is some truth to his opinion. Trump likes to gain the reassurance of his supporters - even after getting elected - he would bring up his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and - from this perspective - one can see that all the talk he does surrounding the border is just means of getting gratification from his supporters. Using gratification as a tool to improve one's arguments is not a method that should be praised, especially not in regards to issues like the border wall and immigration - where lives are involved.
Consequently, building a bigger wall will impact the environment. Towns surrounding the border wall construction will see “a minimum of 93 species at risk of extinction will be further imperiled by construction of Trump’s border wall, including impacts to critical habitat for 25 of these species.” What kind of government would risk species getting extinct for the sake of gratification? The answer is simple, a government that wants to gain the favor of the masses, whether or not it's morally correct. Over time the idea of a border wall to keep out the bad Mexicans will become something to laugh about, but in the meantime it serves as a grim reminder that our voices are being drowned out in favor of ignorance.
William deBuys,"Guarding the Southern Border has become an exercise in cruelty"